Joshua Fields Millburn from The Minimalists is a poet that speaks from experience. He is in part trying to help us see where our pitfalls are by sharing his own experiences so we can learn from his mistakes. Click to see more...
Wisdom Wednesday
Life is all about balance. Have any of you seen Eat Pray Love? If so you kind of know what I am talking about. Make sure that we aren't running ourselves ragged just for the sake of doing. There is no reward in that except exhaustion and burnout. Put your power and energy behind things that you care about.
The Craft Box Project
Wisdom Wednesday
Jewelry Box Project
Special Date Night Thanks to Minimalism
The title of this blog is simple HAPPY life. We can live as simply as we want but if we don't replace all that time we gained back by not being a slave to our things with new adventure or things we enjoy then our life will be no happier than it was before. Here is an adventure date night that Patrick and I were able to have thanks in part to decluttering.
Wisdom Wednesday
Who doesn't want more happiness? It's the journey to the happiness that I hope you are joining me on. Just believe that this minimalism journey is worth it and that the grand prize is happiness, getting your time back, and happy memories that have yet to be created. All of this was acomplished because you let go!
Decluttering Your Makeup With The Box Project
After the feedback from my philosophy on how to declutter, using the box project method I give you this example of how to put that method into action. The category we are decluttering today is beauty products. The box project method allows for quick decluttering with limited decision fatigue and no regrets.
Vision Board & Goal Action Plan
Often we are just going with the flow in life and chances are you will not have the life you have always dreamed of by going with the flow. Take some time to envision what you want your life to look like and use these tips on how to create a vision board and a goal action plan to get the life that you have always envisoned.
Wisdom Wednesday
The Simple Living Box Project
There are many different philosophies that are used as tools to help you on your minimalism journey. I have created my own process that helps you declutter efficiently without any regrets (and those two things do not usually go hand in hand). Make sure you apply this method to take full advantage of the "Purgatory Box" philosophy as well.
The Purgatory Box
Decluttering can be overwhelming at times so it is a good idea to make sure that you have a safety net so you don't make any hasty decisions that you will later regret. The "Purgatory Box" system is designed so that you don't get rid of anything that you are not ready to part with yet. Go take a look. It could save you a lot of heartache that would have been easily avoidable.