Hello my simply happy people! I hope you had a great November.
I have many surprises in store for you this month including the 25 days of December starting from now until New Years Eve. I have been working hard to prepare for you many gifting ideas, Christmas hacks, and inspirational quotes to keep you going during this crazy month. I hope that these posts help you stay on track and enjoy this December instead of being bogged down with all the demands. Don't forget that every Monday is Minimalist Monday and we have some great quotes for Wisdom Wednesdays with lots of Christmas sprinkled in as well. During this month there will also be fun announcements about the many things going on in 2018. There will be many exciting things this 2018 year to help you live the life that you want.
I can't wait to share all these things with you and more. To make sure that you don't miss any of the upcoming posts and important Christmas tips sign up to the simple happy life newsletter that comes bi-weekly. There it will have a great summery and some special new tips and quotes.
A sample of the fun posts to come this month include:
Learn how to craft some beautiful Christmas gifts, the family gift giving formula, how to prepare for 2018, along with amazing inspirational quotes that help you keep your eye on the prize this season.
Happy 25 days of December!
There are so many decisions that you have to make when you are preparing for a baby. Let me help you narrow down some of the decisions with this baby registry list and recommendations. It took me hours and hours of work and just like the wedding industry they were trying to get me to buy anything and everything. This list will help you cut down on the stuff you don’t need and focus on what you do.
Clothing plays such a large role in my confidence but I am usually to busy to give it much time or effort. The ‘daily uniform’ takes away such stress and makes sure that I am always loving what I am wearing and have confidence in how I look.
Kids toys. A terrifying category for minimalists around the world! Unless…you start early (like really early…before 1). We just had our first child and I was overwhelmed until I found my solution that has fixed everything at this young age.
The extras that made my life so much easier with a newborn. After testing everything out these were the winners. These would be great for your baby or as a baby gift.
Check out my new years resolution and how I am saving over a month of wasted time doing one of the most dreaded chores.
Exciting life update and future plans for the simple happy life blog! There are big changes and exciting developments on this crazy adventure that we would love to fill you in on.
We are always getting bogged down by our to do list that is miles and miles long. It feels like it will never end. Let’s take a look at how important that list really is and make our priorities our priorities.
This book is a very unique book to my minimalist book review series. Less: a visual guide to minimalism, was written by the popular minimalist youtuber Rachel Aust. In her book she gives a very unique perspective and a simple visual guide that many new minimalists will find very helpful. You will love her lists and decision charts in this no fluff guide to decluttering and living a simple happy life.
This week try to find something in your life that you can make easier. Maybe its trying to meal prep this weekend so you only have to clean up your kitchen once. Perhaps its having a family meeting and implementing a chore chart. Personally, my favorite thing that simplified my life was a gift from my in-laws for Christmas which with this one change saves me 42 hours a year that I don't have to spend on doing this boring chore.
So many people dread the stockings but stockings were my favorite part. I have a great formula for you that will take the guess work out of stockings and will keep things at a reasonable price and minimize the things coming into your home to stay.