The Minimalist Baby Registry

Everyone says that when you have a baby that the baby will need a lot of things. When looking into it that can appear to be true. I spent hours and hours working on my baby registry and pairing it down. I was selective of what I brought into our house because I didn’t want to be overwhelmed and even still, I got some things that my sweet girl didn’t use. Now every baby is different so this will be a little more generic list. For example just because my daughter didn’t like pacifiers doesn’t mean I wont put that on the list for your convenience. So even with this list please make sure you tailor it to your lifestyle, needs, and wants.


Sometimes you have to weigh things like connivence vs items. I did make a couple decisions that you will see later on that made my life easier but it brought in a few more items. For example 7 towels instead of 4 because of how many baths we were doing and wanting to make it an entire week before laundry. Was the number of items what was important to me or minimizing my household chore load? Chores won in the end in that particular battle. So please take everything with a grain of salt.

One of the reasons I was so overwhelmed is because when you walk into the baby store to register their list was 5 pages long with multiple stages included. I am going to give you the basic infant list and then tell you what I added later. I will be ignoring clothing at an older stage because that varies so much.

Have you ever looked at what is suggested for a baby registry? Its absolutely crazy how much stuff they say you need! While creating this list for you I went back to the list that they handed me and there were about 300 items on the list. I am cutting it down to less than a third of what they recommend. (a newborn doesn’t need a toy chest like they suggested…save that for later).

So without further ado here is my list with links to the items. Make sure to check out the blog post about my top ten items I couldn’t live without.

*Please note that all links included are things that I love and use. These links are affiliate links to make finding the products on Amazon as easy as possible, and it helps me keep up and running. Thank you

If you want to download this list subscribe in the pop up to make sure you are ready when you go. If you want the exact products that we use just click the link in the text and it will take you to it.

Nursery Decor

Baby gear/travel

Nursing & feeding

Bath & potty


  • Baby monitor

  • Safety gates (have time usually 6 months)

  • Safety locks (have time usually 6 months)

  • Furniture and tv straps (have time usually 6 months)

  • First aid kid and medicines

  • Nail clippers

  • Toothbrush and teething gel

  • Brush and comb

Toys and learning

  • Activity mat

  • Developmental toys

  • Stuffed animal

Clothing essentials

  • 5-10 pjs (depending on temperature zip up if cold/baby gown if warm)

  • 1 cap

  • 10 pairs of socks

  • 2 blankets (one for outside house one for inside house)

  • 8 outfits for going out (1 to keep in your bag for blowouts and 7 for normal use)

  • Extra clothing depending on weather (winter jacket or summer hat)

  • Baby swaddle


If you see a * next to some of them that means they could be considered extra but I found the item very helpful. This list and registry and the items that I have tagged are all things that I use and find extremely helpful. It has taken me probably over 40 hours of research to compile this list and the items that I recommend.

I hope that this made your life a little easier. Please if you have any questions why I recommend some things and not others please don’t hesitate to ask. Congratulations on this exciting new adventure!