Simplifying the Stockings for Christmas

Many parents and partners dread the stocking. Why is that? Often it’s because its full of cheap little items that just clutter up the house but it is often one of the highlights Christmas morning. It’s a delicate balance of Christmas and living simply. Some may see it as all their hard work being undone by Christmas after they worked so hard decluttering. I hope you try not to see it this way but as creating Christmas magic for the kids while being smart about it. Young kids look at volume so one or two great items wont wow like they will the older kids. Making sure that a lot of the things being brought in that are consumable is great. Even crafts I would label as a consumable because once done those usually leave the house (suggest crafts like creating soap or candles as those get used up quickly). It is a tricky balance but I know that you can do it! So let’s tackle those stockings!

A tradition that I grew up with was that our stockings were left for us outside our bedroom door after Santa filed it during the night. It was so kind of him to bring them upstairs for us. The stocking was always full of fun things that kept us entertained until we were allowed to wake up my parents around 7 a.m. and those hours from 4 am until 7 am were some of the best memories that I created with my siblings as we ran from room to room quietly seeing what each other got.

I loved what Santa always put in our stockings. There was always an orange and a soft peppermint stick as well as a chocolate Santa. There was usually a puzzle book or journal and one or two of the kids usually got a little card game for the family that we would play with for hours until it was time for breakfast. There were other things like bath bombs and makeup but the majority of the stocking was consumables. There was always one activity and one thing we each really wanted being a gameboy game or a makeup item. 

Let me try to simplify the process for you. Here is a little list that will keep everything simple and stockings at a reasonable cost. *the dollar store and half price books have great games and activities also the craft store has a great section for little items as well

the stocking cheat sheet.jpg

I know its great to have a formula but let’s break it down with some more specific examples so that things are even easier. *Please note that any links included are affiliate links to make it easy for you while helping me keep up and running. Thank you!

1. Snack and candy

  • Pre made carmel corn

  • Candy cane

  • Chocolate Santa

  • Peppermint Hershey kisses

  • Chocolate dipped pretzels

  • Box of favorite candy

  • Orange

  • Apple

2. An activity that will keep the child entertained for a few hours (so the parents can keep sleeping because you know they were up late helping Santa.) If a kid has a tv room or playroom they have access to without waking the adults maybe a DVD. A card game or extension pack to a board game already owned. Depending on ages maybe a small craft/art project they can do by self or with help of older sibling. Specific ideas with links included

3. A book of sorts: The next book in a series they are reading or a puzzle book, word search, sticker book, coloring book or journal. Half price books is a great place to find these kinds of things.

4. Item they really wanted that is small: to make life even easier make each kid write a list to Santa with everything they could possibly want. Edit that list and you have your shopping list right there! (whoever came up with writing Santa a letter was brilliant!)

5. Something they get every year: For example I used to always get a charm for my bracelet and I would look forward to that all year because that was the only time I would get one. Another thing I would often get was another figurine for my nativity display so it would grow every year. That I received under the Christmas tree but would easily work in a stocking. It’s one of my favorite things that I brought into my marriage was a completed nativity scene.

  • charm for charm bracelet

  • figurine for nativity display

  • stuffed animal

  • the next book or dvd in a series

  • something for a kids collection if they collect things

  • Additional supplies for a craft they love to do

This will create a nice full stocking for not too much money and it will keep the busy until the adults are ready. Depending on the kids ages you can probably get away with a full exciting stocking for less that $15. Dollar store is a great place to go for most of these items and half price books is also another amazing place.

I hope this helps you as you try to create a magical season for you little ones. If you think about these items carefully you will only be bringing a couple items into your home that will stay. I know its a hard balance creating magic while minimizing the things coming into your home. This can be stressful as you might see it as undoing your work but as Christmas morning happens I hope you take a deep breath and look at your children’s happy faces and remember this season of childlike happiness and be happy. I promise that everything will works out in the end.