Box project

Decluttering Your Books With The Box Project

Decluttering Your Books With The Box Project

My books are very important to me.  So needless to say, this will be one of the most difficult and largest categories for me. Here is an excellent example of decluttering a difficult category. I share how I work through the emotional attachments in hopes that it will help you to learn to how to examine and overcome your own emotional hurdles on this decluttering journey. 

The Craft Box Project

The Craft Box Project

I don't think I am the only one in this world that is overrun by unfinished crafts and too many hobbies. That is what we are tackling today with the box project. How to declutter both the old hobbies that we have outgrown and the new ones that we love.

Decluttering Your Makeup With The Box Project

Decluttering Your Makeup With The Box Project

After the feedback from my philosophy on how to declutter, using the box project method I give you this example of how to put that method into action. The category we are decluttering today is beauty products. The box project method allows for quick decluttering with limited decision fatigue and no regrets.